2018/11/27 総合福祉学研究科 社会福祉学専攻

フィンランドの2大学と高齢者サービス等に関わる第1回共同プロジェクトを実施/The first elderly care collaboration project conducted between two Finnish universities and TFU.





 From the 12th to 16th of November, six students and three faculty staff from Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Hame University of Applied Sciences (both are Finnish universities) visited TFU to launch the 1st collaboration project in the field of elderly care service together with the same number of students and the faculty members here in TFU. The TFU students are from the Department of Social Welfare, Industrial Welfare Management and Graduate School of Comprehensive Welfare, Master course in Social Welfare.

 The project is an Asian collaborative education program adopted by the Finnish Ministry of Education, which targets the sharing of information by both faculty and students across multiple disciplines on the provision of elderly care services in the rapidly aging societies, which in turn is a common issue in both countries. Our university has been interacting with the Laurea University of Applied Sciences, our international exchange partner, through Erasmus+ (Erasmus Plus) program, but this time we have taken a further step forward in pursuing deeper academic cooperation and achievement.  

 At the first stage of the program, this time our university welcomed nine project members in total, including six students and project representative Sari Heikkinen a senior lecture (gerontology) at Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Pyry Airaksinen a senior lecture (international marketing) at the same university, and Pia Tamminen a principal researcher (Service Design) at the Hame University of Applied sciences.

 This time most students’ research activities were organized as group work. With cooperation from our affiliated welfare facility, Sendan-no Yakata, the Preventive Care and Welfare and Health Promotion Office “Genki-juku” of our university, private service provider “M’s Yaotome,” the participants were able to interview elderly and care professionals. And then they mutually presented their research results in English about the public nursing-care insurance system, community-based integrated care services, and development and management of welfare services.

 Future plans for this program include a visit of our university students to Finland in the spring of 2019, and the second visit of our Finnish partners to Japan in 2020.